
Kids' Brains at MIT logo

Brain Development in Kids Born Blind

MIT is conducting a research study on brain plasticity in children who are born blind. They are recruiting children between the ages of 4-14 who are legally blind and who do not have cognitive or neurological disabilities.

MARTY cartoon brailler

Braillers for Everyone!

Let’s help all the kids who participated in the Backpacking SMART Brailler event raise the money they need to get a brailler! SMART Braillers for everyone!

Man trying out the robotic exoskeleton

Wheelchair or Robotic Exoskeleton?

A Japanese company is working on a robotic exoskeleton that could, in theory, replace wheelchairs and allow for much more natural movement.

blind girl touches a tiger paw

Have You Ever Wanted to Touch a Tiger?

The Oregon Zoo has an amazing program that allows blind students to visit the veterinary clinic and interact with large (and often dangerous) animals while anesthetized.

learning to surf

Surf Camp for Blind Kids

Indo Jax Surf School’s Visually Impaired Summer Camp takes place at Wrightsville Beach in North Carolina for a week each July.The camp gets bigger every year and includes sighted siblings as well.

Rods and cones in the retina

Building Retinas in the Laboratory

Researchers at Moorfields Eye Hospital and University College London say they have had success in mouse models actually building retinas in the laboratory using stem cells to create new photoreceptors. When these new photoreceptors were injected into the eyes of blind mice, they were able to hook up with the existing architecture of the eye and begin to function.

eye doctor

Next Step in Gene Therapy

Researchers at Berkeley Stem Cell Center at UC Berkeley have been working on creating a new way to get gene therapy to a patient’s eye without invasive surgery.

diagram of how the retinal microchip works

Retinal Microchip Advances

There’s been a lot of movement in the world of retinal microchips lately! Find out about the Argus II, wireless glasses and solar powered microchips!


Preventing the Development of Deafness in Mice with Usher Syndrome

Researchers at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science have found a way to use a single dose of a small, synthetic RNA-like molecule, called an antisense oligonucleotide (ASO), to prevent the onset of deafness in mice that have been engineered to have Usher Syndrome.

little girl using an iPad

iPad Curriculum for Children with Visual Impairments

Junior Blind of America’s Infant & Early Childhood Program has been using iPads as part of its curriculum in order to study how children with CVI or low vision respond to iPad apps. The results are in and they are very encouraging!

Argus II

FDA Approves Artificial Retina

The Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System is the first artificial retina (also called a bionic eye or retinal microchip) to be approved by the FDA in the United States.

braille smart phone

Accessible Braille Smart Phones

Smart phones and tablets have many accessibility features but are still basically smooth surfaces. Two new technologies try to change this by making tablets with tactile output or phones with audio feedback.