
Up close image of a blue eye with wide pupil.

Using Stem Cells to Restore Sight

Scientists are using stem cells to create a retina in a petri dish. It behaves exactly as an actual retina does, allowing for full experimentation and leading hopefully to restoring vision for people with retinal disease.

A model of the human brain displays placement of a responsive neurostimulator that can stop or reduce seizures in patients with epilepsy.

New Treatment Stops Seizures Before They Start

There’s a new way to deal with seizures that could revolutionize the lives of those who have them. It involves embedding a tiny computer in the skull of the patient which senses seizure activity and stops it in its tracks.

3D printer creating an image

3D Printed Pictures of Space

Astronomers at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore are working on a project creating 3D images of photos taken by the Hubble Telescope for people who are visually impaired.

Mason, Thomas & Luke (not necessarily in that order)

Three Retinoblastoma-Cancer-Fighting Superheroes!

Triplets Thomas, Mason and Luke were all diagnosed with retinoblastoma when only about 12 weeks old. They are now battling this rare form of cancer at SickKids Hospital in Toronto. Find out more about their story.

Katie Cuppy swimming

The Perfect Role Model for My Blind Daughter

Cat finds herself face-to-face with a real-life hero and she doesn’t even know it. She walks alongside Katie Cuppy, one of the first blind swimmers to make the 1.5 mile crossing from Alcatraz Island to San Francisco.

little boy in a go baby go car

Go Baby Go Provides Mobility Inspiration!

Dr Cole Galloway from the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Delaware is adapting motorized ride-on toys for children with mobility special needs.

Pu'ili and Ukulele

Hawaiian Music Giveaway!

Visit Daria’s Monthly Music Page before March 9th 2014 and you can enter to win two beautiful and authentic musical instruments from Hawai’i, an ukulele and a pair of pu’ili sticks!

how gene therapy works

Gene Therapy Treatment for Choroideremia

Researchers at the Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology at the University of Oxford in the U.K. are treating Choroideremia (CHM) with gene therapy. This treatment can be used to treat many genetic disorders that cause blindness, including age-related macular degeneration.

Baby MEG

New Technology to Localize Infant Seizures

Boston Children’s Hospital is planning to launch a new infant magnetoencephalography (MEG) system this spring that will revolutionize what we know about infant brains and, more to the point, infant seizures.

Lily LightAide

LightAides for Everyone!

Let’s help all the kids who participated in the Backpacking LightAide program raise the money they need to get a LightAide! LightAides for everyone!

hand touching a map

Disney Creates Touch Screens with Tactile Feedback

Disney is working on creating touch screens that can actually give users the virtual feel of items displayed on the screen by producing friction and vibrations that mimic the textures and ridges of three dimensional items.