
green piggy bank

Future Planning for your Child with Disabilities

A recent editorial in the New York Times discusses the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act and how important it is for parents and children with disabilities so they can save money for their future.

child speaking with an iPhone

Talkitt® Makes Unintelligible Speech Understandable

Talkitt translates unintelligible speech from any language into understandable speech through smart phones, tablets or computers. Works for people with speech disorders or diseases or syndromes that affect speech.

Kids playing together

Adapting Toys for Special Kids

An Ohio mom has created a lending library of adapted games for children of all abilities, from those with developmental delays to those with significant disabilities.

help and support

Bookshare’s Parent Ambassador Program

Bookshare, the free program that offers printed material in an accessible format to those who are unable to easily access printed material, is offering a free parent forum, allowing parents to connect and share ideas about Bookshare.

Cornea shown enlarged

A Breakthrough in Growing Corneas

Researchers have figured out how to use adult stem cells to grow corneas in the lab. These can be used to treat a host of eye illnesses and injuries.

Contact Lens illuminated from behind on black

New Way to Deliver Glaucoma Medicine

Researchers have found a way to deliver glaucoma medicine via contact lenses, making it easier for users to continue treatment for their disease.

Music Sheet in Braille

Making Music Accessible to Blind Musicians

A revolutionary 3-D printing system makes music easier to read for blind musicians. Invented by a blind South Korean musician as part of her doctoral dissertation, it makes music accessible to musicians at all levels.

Google's self-driving car is rounded with no mirrors or other protrusions.

Self-Driving Car from Google

Google is creating a self-driving car that can go 25 mph and carry two people. It’s currently in prototype testing but they hope to have it on the road this year! Who wants to be a volunteer driver?

A foot on a soccer ball

Brazil’s Blind Soccer Team

With the World Cup happening, soccer fever is spreading. And if you think there’s no place out on the soccer pitch for a person who is blind, think again, because Brazil has a whole team made up of soccer players with vision impairment!