
eye detail with ONH

Investigating the Missing Link in Nerve Regeneration

The ability to make a human nerve regenerate successfully (as with the ability to communicate effectively with the brain) could help cure a number of diseases and injuries, including visual impairment caused by Optic Nerve Hypoplasia (ONH).

4 kids with braillers

For Ronan, Fynnley, Leo & Lily-Grace

Ronan, Fynnley, Leo and Lily-Grace have all had the chance to trial a SMART Brailler thanks to the support of RNIB. And now all four need your help so they can each get their own brailler!

Gizmonix Visor

New Gadget Addresses Tunnel Vision

There’s a company that’s working on a visor to help those with tunnel vision to see the full picture of what they could see without tunnel vision. It’s still in the development phases but looks interesting.

smartphone held over menu shows text being read

Breakthrough App Reads Print for the Blind

This cool new app lets you use your smartphone to translate printed material into spoken words, letting the user “read” virtually anything. The app is available on iTunes and was created in collaboration with the National Federation of the Blind.

Woman's face wearing sunglasses

Seeing Through Sound

This technology takes sound to create “images” in the brain, by using a camera, special software, and headphones.