
Regenerating Optic Nerves

Regenerating Optic Nerves

Everyone knows you can’t regenerate nerves, so if the optic nerve is damaged or underdeveloped there really aren’t any options. Or are there?

blitab braille tablet device sitting upright on table near window

BLITAB Braille Tablet

First-ever braille tablet developed by start-up company BLITLAB Technology. This will revolutionize access to braille!

Smart Cane recongizing owner's faces

Smart Cane Recognizes Faces

The XploR cane uses smartphone technology to send vibrations to the user when it detects a familiar face.

Brain Plasticity

Brain Plasticity News in Gene Therapy

Researchers prove that “retina-brain pathways can be established in LCA patients,” even after decades of near blindness and these pathways are strengthened with use after the retina has been treated.