
Baby in a Wingbo

Wingbo Tummy Time Swing Giveaway!

Original Baby Company is giving away a free Wingbo tummy time swing to one lucky winner! And it’s not just for babies, you can also hang it with long ropes for older children, so check out the giveaway and enter!

mom hugging baby

Research Study for Mothers of Blind Children

A graduate student in the Genetic Counseling Program at Brandeis University is looking for mothers to participate in a research study designed to explore how a mother feels while bonding with her child with a visual impairment.

braille letters

Braille Requirements in the Law

NOPBC has created a much-needed resources that explains exactly how IDEA addresses braille needs in the classroom. Use this to help you develop your child’s IEP.

Sami Stoner running with her dog, Chloe

Blind Teen Runs with Her Guide Dog

Sami Stoner, a teenager in Ohio, has always been a runner, but when she began to lose her sight due to Stargardt’s disease, she thought she would have to stop running. Sami’s guide dog, Chloe, has helped her so she can continue running.

mom and Ivan at the park

ADA Regulates Accessible Playgrounds

The revised 2010 ADA sets guidelines for accessible playgrounds, parks and play spaces. Find out what these new requirements are and when they go into effect.

hand reading braille

Teaching Braille Reading and Writing

Lucia Hasty and Perkins School for the Blind have developed this webcast that discusses how to teach braille reading and writing to blind children. The video is in seven parts and available for free.

Ivan with his cane in his wheelchair

Wheelchair Orientation & Mobility

How does a blind person learn orientation and mobility skills when they are also using a wheelchair? Perkins eLearning provides a video series on Wheelchair Orientation & Mobility on the Perkins YouTube channel.


New Treatment for LCA in Early Development

Learn about ongoing research and studies into an oral medication, QLT091001, designed to restore vision in patients with certain types of LCA and RP genetic mutations.

Artificial retina

More Artificial Retina News

Europe has just approved a device developed by Second Sight Medical and they are working on getting FDA approval in the US.

Drawing with Your Brailler

Drawing with Your Brailler Giveaway!

Enter to win Drawing with Your Brailler, a book that shows you how to make images with your brailler, from the simple to the intricate, that you can play with for fun or give out as birthday and holiday cards.