Orientation and Mobility
Learn tips and techniques for teaching orientation and mobility (O&M) to young children who are blind, including developing cane and precane skills for both kids who can walk independently and for kids in wheelchairs.

Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment
Southeastern Guide Dogs
Southeastern Guide Dogs places skilled companion dogs with children with vision loss and guide dogs with teens as young as fifteen.

Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment
Guide Dogs of America
Guide Dogs of America is dedicated to its mission to provide guide dogs and instruction in their use, free of charge, to blind and visually impaired men and women

Orientation and Mobility
ZipZac Mobility Chairs
The ZipZac 1 & 2® are great mobility chairs for kids who need assistance. The chair was originally developed for a young boy with spina bifida who could move his...

Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment
Hand Use While Walking: Helping Your Child Who is Blind Understand His Home
Certified Orientation and Mobility instructor Susan Shier Lowry gives tips on how to encourage young blind children to reach out and touch while walking through familiar environments. Trailing techniques are...

Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment
Anticipators for Young Children with Visual Impairments: Push Toys, Pre-Canes and Long Canes
Early Orientation and Mobility skills for blind children can be taught with pre-canes or push toys. Learn how to choose the best tools and when to introduce them.

Assistive Technology, Orientation and Mobility
Smart Cane Recognizes Faces
The XploR cane uses smartphone technology to send vibrations to the user when it detects a familiar face.

Orientation and Mobility
Learning to Navigate through Echolocation
Daniel Kish demonstrates his controversial echolocation technique that allows those who are blind to navigate using sonar in this TedX talk.

Orientation and Mobility
These Shoes Were Made for…Giving Directions?
Ducere Tech, an Indian start-up, has created new technology whereby your shoes can tell you which direction to take by connecting wirelessly with your GPS nav system. This could be...

Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment
Community Trips for Little Explorers: Teaching your child who is blind about the community
Children with visual impairment learn by having direct, hands-on experiences with objects and events, including those in their community. These experiences can build important concepts that will prepare your child...

Assistive Technology, Orientation and Mobility
Verizon Creates Navigational Tools to Promote Independence for Blind Users
Being blind means giving up a lot of independence; this new technology from Verizon gives blind people real-time information about their environment, including colors, textures, nav cues, and more, using...

Orientation and Mobility
Go Baby Go Provides Mobility Inspiration!
Dr Cole Galloway from the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Delaware is adapting motorized ride-on toys for children with mobility special needs.

Assistive Technology, Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment
Getting Around Using Assistive Technology when You’re Blind
Getting around keeps getting easier for blind travelers thanks to new assisistive technology. Find out about a new O&M iPhone app and an UltraBike!

Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment
Echolocation for Blind Children
Echolocation is the use of sounds to gain information about the environment and surrounding objects. Blind kids can learn to use echolocation to augment traditional orientation and mobility!

Orientation and Mobility
Little Long Canes
This is a wonderful 18 minute video interview with Joe Cutter, renowned early childhood Orientation and Mobility instructor who pioneered the use of the cane with very young children. He...

Orientation and Mobility
The UltraCane is an electronic cane for visually impaired users that delivers feedback through small vibrating buttons in the handle. Its ultrasound system provides information about obstacles in front of...